14 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

Paul Halmos'tan bazı tavsiyeler

“You want to learn group theory, it is not a good idea to open a book on page 1 and read it, working all the problems in order, till you corne to the last page. It’s a bad idea. The material is arranged in the book so that its linear reading is logically defensible, to be sure, but we readers are human, all different from one another and from the author, and each of us is likely to find something difficult that is easy for someone else. My advice is to read till you come to a definition new to you, and then stop and try to think of examples and non-examples, or till you come to a theorem new to you, and then stop and try to understand it and prove it for yourself—and, most important, when you come to an obstacle, a mysterious passage, an unsolvable problem, just skip it. Jump ahead, try the next problem, turn the page, go to the next chapter, or even abandon the book and start another one. Books may be linearly ordered, but our minds are not.”(I Want To Be A Mathematician - sayfa 70)

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